Previsões são bem vindas

Primeiramente, gostaria de agradecer aos companheiros da A.N.A. pela divulgação de nosso pequeno centro de apoio virtual,  que a luta inspire, mas também alerte sobre os verdadeiros perigos de perseguição estatal, e que nossa página forneça uma pequena lista de contatos para aqueles que precisam do apoio mútuo para continuar na sua caminhada. Em breve mais novidades sobre o caráter financeiro de nosso centro de apoio.


Agora indo ao assunto do título, alguns anos atrás decidi escrever um livro chamado Fadas do Norte, com reflexões da ciência negada do espiritismo e outros assuntos polêmicos.

Numa dessas reflexões, fiz uma previsão baseada em um texto de um bilionário safado que queria adotar um método para lutar contra o aquecimento global de forma autodestrutiva, segue o capitulo da previsão(de antemão desculpe meu inglês enferrujado):

“Grace begins by awakening the conscience divinely. Even those who have done evil and repented are pleasing to

In the slums, on the streets, in occupations, on the beaches and with fishermen, the subject is the same.
The virus, the government, the politics.
The most religious prefer not to connect with this current, under the pretext that everything is fleeting, ignore the
destruction by connecting to God. “God is in Nature”, I’ve reflected again. From the book by Camille Flamarion, a renowned astronomer, who made his predictions without instrumentation in the 18th century, such reflections arise,
the result of observation with his calculations studied until today but never reached by minds in search of data as he
did. He was a great revolutionary of astronomy, but discredited, by many because his mind “touched the intangible”.It materialized the spiritual. It has been proven centuries after your calculations regarding the Mars diametre were
correct, among other examples.

To acquire such an experience it is necessary first of all to connect to the planetary psychosphere, to later collect
data from the universal current of fraternities that constantly fertilize our planet with ideas of character and
collective form. It is still necessary to discern between those minds that seek to play pesticides, distorting reality and idea, as in a malicious honeypot caused by this still superficial layer that thinks it is connected with the great Mother.
It is like the idea that came from a billionaire, who saw the hypothesis totally meaningless as a solution to a problem
that man insists on ignoring, global warming. Phenomenon that has been increasing dramatically, he simply found the most clueless solution in the universe, to throw a chemical into the atmosphere so that the Sun has less incidence on the earth's soil. These minds are connecting with other minds that want the extinction of planetary life under the false idea that they are saving life.

They did not consult the elementals, and their phalanxes do not respect the invisible and think that they have the
authority to interfere in the Earth's atmosphere."They think they can buy the planet," I thought again as I
wrote those lines. To discern, just look at the old tree.

In the passage of the messenger of light, he says, observe the good tree for its fruits. How can a good tree bear bad fruit, and a bad tree bear good fruit?
This is totally incompatible with the law.
If an idea arrives masked with pomposity, demonstrating supremacy among brothers and sisters, authoritarian to
destroy and never to heal, beware, that's where the danger lies.

If, on the other hand, the idea is of peace, harmony, healing and perseverance in the future, differentiate, analyze,
perceive the idea with the heart filter, or is it because you are not ready to receive this idea or it’s not compatible with
what you’re looking for, remember the law that for everything in life you’ll be able to discern.

I once read in a Hindu book that evil is not natural.

It is the result of someone's will, whether in the spiritual, mental, or even the psychosphere. Love is natural, it pulsates, it touches the intangible, it floats between hearts, connecting us to interplanetary beings, to ideas of construction for society and never ofdestruction, never of intervention like that of the billionaire,but of integration, of reconstruction.

That way I woke up reflecting on what would become of men and women of science, if linked to material good and
only that, they can destroy the planet. If linked to the invisible, they seek more tangible answers to reality.


E agora a notícia:

A geoengenharia solar é voltada para a tentativa de controlar as mudanças climáticas refletindo mais luz solar de volta ao espaço, imitando um processo natural que ocorre após grandes erupções vulcânicas. Estudiosos da área acreditam que, em teoria, a pulverização de enxofre e partículas semelhantes em quantidades suficientes poderia ajudar a combater a mudança climática.

Tecnicamente, não é difícil liberar tais compostos na estratosfera. Mas os cientistas, em sua maioria se abstiveram de até mesmo realizar experimentos de campo em pequena escala. E não está claro se alguém chegou de fato a conseguir liberar materiais nesta camada específica da atmosfera no contexto das pesquisas relacionadas à geoengenharia.

Essa incerteza é em parte um dos motivos pelos quais a ação é altamente controversa. Pouco se sabe sobre o efeito no mundo real dessas intervenções deliberadas em larga escala, mas elas podem ter efeitos colaterais perigosos. Os impactos também podem ser piores em algumas regiões do que em outras, o que pode provocar conflitos geopolíticos.


São tempos bizarros kompa, a luta só começou.

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